Friday, December 10, 2010

Musings of a Hopping Grad Student

Hmm.... that post title seems questionable. I'll go with it. In this post you will find
This week's Hop question is:  "What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs?  Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely?"

I really enjoy blog articles. Whether they are fancy shmancy and well researched or a more personal, impromptu piece, I find that blog articles give me a look at the person behind the blog. They also invite comments and can bring out a lot of discussion. I do like book reviews. I view reviews as the staple ingredient of a book blog. But any book talk is good talk. 

I am officially done with my first semester of graduate school! I submitted my final project/paper last night and it's a relief to be done! Here are the top 5 things I enjoyed from this semester:
  1. Meeting lots of new people who share my interest in libraries.
  2. Finding out what exactly librarians do... which turns out to be a lot of complicated things.
  3. Reading about the history of librarianship and libraries.
  4. Writing a paper about video games in libraries. (I would tell my husband I was "doing research" when playing games. He wasn't buying it.)
  5. Creating my own Web page was much "easier" and a lot more fun than I anticipated.
I should add that simply surviving this semester feels like an accomplishment worthy of celebration. I have told my husband he is taking me out tomorrow to see The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and to eat some Mexican food!


  1. Congratulations on your accomplishment. It's a very nice feeling to be done with something isn't it?

  2. Congratulations! I remember how great it felt to be done with that first semester. Now I'm about to start my final semester, and I'm so excited! Enjoy your evening with your husband and celebrate because you deserve it :)

  3. Congrats on finishing ur first semester!
    Steping by from the Hop! Great answer, now following!

  4. Hopping by ... Congratulations on the first semester of grad school. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself and that is a great thing. I love the community that book blogging provides :)

  5. Hey! New to the blogging world, and I'll agree that getting a glimpse into other bloggers lives is quite fun! And we love a great review, but A+ to those that can make us laugh too! Check us out at
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Congratulations! Enjoy the holiday break before the next semester starts up. My answer to the blog hop question was that reviews are my favorite. But I agree that the other book talk is informative also, and I do love getting to know more about the bloggers and their individual tastes.

  7. Well done! Congratulations on the semester done.
    I love getting to know other bloggers, and finding out other people who are as passionate about books as I am.
    It's great to finally find fellow-obsessive-readers.

    I'm hopping from e-Volving Books, do leave your comment on any post you read at my blog today.

  8. Congrats on getting through the first semester! :)

  9. Thank you for hopping by!

    Congratulations on making it through the first semester!

  10. congrats on finishing your semester! well done! totally deserve a treat. I usually veg, and watch harry potter. it's my answer to everything lol wow tangent.

    loved what you said about any book talk being good talk - that's so true. book blogs promote discussion and literacy and new authors and all sorts of fun stuff. it's a great community to be a part of.

    thanks for stopping by my blog! following back. have a great week :)

  11. I know I'm a bit late, but congrats on your first semester of library school. I've been busy finishing my...*counts*...fourth year (part time) in a library undergrad. My end of semester had a little zing to it too after coming back after a year off sick. Can't wait to get back to it. Good luck with yours. :)

  12. Thank you for stopping by-are you getting a master in library science-I am impressed you created your own web page-that is so beyond any skill I have.
