Saturday, July 24, 2010

Create-A-Cover: Summer Break Reading Challenge Activity #10

I almost forgot to do this challenge! We were supposed to create a random "name" for the author, a random verb for the title and use the first picture in flickr that was a person when we searched with the verb. After assembling the name, title and photo we are to create a summary to go along. I did the picture a few days ago and got stuck on the story. Well real quick, here goes - my create-a-cover!

Eleanor Dowd has lived in her entire life in New York City, feeling safe and secure in her established routines. When she gets a letter in the mail announcing her estranged father's death she is filled with mixed emotions. A Mr. Lumbardi, identifying himself as her father's personal secretary, writes to ask Eleanor to travel to Morocco and accompany her father's remains back to the United States. Eleanor flies to Rabat expecting to leave the same day with her father's remains. But Mr. Lumbardi makes it clear that Eleanor has much to learn about her father and herself before she can return home.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well this could end in a couple of ways. Perhaps she's open to learning more about her father (but gives us little in plot) or perhaps she has to "learn" to care about heritage and her father. Or my first thought was that she gets kidanpped or held against her will and has to find the inner strength to survive and get out of Morocco. Perhaps with a sexy spy :)
    Great cover!

  3. I've loved looking at all of these covers! Everyone is so creative :)

  4. Coffeymuse - ooo, I like the held-against-her-will idea. And she and some suave partner would have to figure out how to escape or bring down her captors. hmm...

  5. Sounds very mysterious. Your cover photo is amazing, too. I can't tell if it's a younger or older person, but I believe that it's female...
    Simply gorgeous.

  6. This is going to be a great activity. My kids will going to love this for sure. I will show them this post and I am sure that they are going to join this activity.

  7. K - thanks, I got lucky with a cool random picture on flickr. I'm seeing a middle-aged woman maybe 40. She struck me as an "Eleanor" though I'm not sure why.

    Kitchen - I'm glad you liked the post. Do chek out the link. It's got better instructions and links for getting your random verb and author name. I hope your kids have fun with it. I did. If they make their own covers and summaries I'd love to see them!

  8. Oooh, the cover art really fits the feal of the story! I like!

  9. Ooh, stuck in Morocco! Anything could happen. I llike it.
